Kazdin Method®

treatment programs

Kazdin Method® Parent Management Training (PMT)

Work with a Certified Trainer via phone or Zoom

PMT is an evidence-based program designed for children with moderate to severe behavioral difficulties. It is a short-term treatment in which caregivers work individually with a Certified Trainer for 45-50 minutes, either online or over the phone. During these sessions, caregivers are trained to effectively address negative behaviors, leading to a significant decrease and, more importantly, to an increase in positive behaviors in their children.

We aim to prevent situations from escalating out of control. We have seen cases where parents, despite their best intentions, struggle to find the right help for their children. After years of ineffective therapy, the behavior can worsen to the point of requiring hospitalization or juvenile detention. We are committed to spreading this treatment globally, but in the meantime, you and your child deserve effective treatment.

With a 92% success rate, this treatment has been proven to significantly decrease even the most complex and challenging behaviors. Whether you are dealing with mild or significant behavioral issues, from non-compliance to severe dysregulation resulting in physical aggression, we can provide step-by-step guidance in using skills that have been shown to bring about long-term behavior change.

Kazdin Method® Problem Solving Skills Training (PSST)

Children ages 6-14 work with a Certified Trainer online

We also utilize another evidence-based treatment program called Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST). PSST teaches children the essential life skills of pausing to consider various positive solutions to problems and quickly generating possible outcomes from these solutions. Although this program has been studied on children with behavioral issues and anxiety with great results, we believe it is crucial for all children to learn these lifelong skills.

Children who acquire these skills experience less anxiety, aggression, and defiant behavior. When PSST is combined with PMT, children exhibit even more significant improvements in behavioral problems than with PMT alone. Teaching children problem-solving skills and how to challenge dysfunctional thoughts enhances their overall functioning at home, in school, and with peers.

This 12-15 week program consists of sessions lasting approximately 30-45 minutes each.

The Coping Cat and Go-Zen Anxiety Treatment Programs

Children ages 6-17 work with a Certified Trainer online

The Coping Cat and Go-Zen programs are cognitive-behavioral interventions designed to help children identify and analyze anxious thoughts and feelings, and develop effective coping strategies for anxiety-provoking situations. These programs emphasize behavioral training techniques such as cognitive restructuring, modeling, guided imagery, simulation, real-life exposure, role-playing, relaxation training, and contingent reinforcement. Children learn to verbally reinforce their successful coping skills and are encouraged to practice these skills in real-world anxiety-provoking scenarios.

The Coping Cat program is tailored for children aged 8-13 years and can be conducted online.

The Go-Zen program caters to children aged 4-16 years and is also available online.

Parent Testimonials

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from parents who have experienced life-changing results with PMTI

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